Pastor Hues is planning the Fall Pastor Conference along with his committee. This conference is for all LCMS Pastors active & emeritus, and their spouses as well as Deacons and Vicars.
Click the link below to register for the Fall 2019 Oregon Pastors Conference:
Our guest speaker will be Dr. Michael Thomas from Concordia University, Portland. He will share with us some early Christian exposition of the Gospel of John.
Dr. Thomas, Associate Professor of Classical Languages and Humanities, returned to his alma mater to join the faculty of the College of Theology, Arts & Sciences. His academic interest covers the History and Literature of Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity. In particular, his areas of specialization include: Old Testament/Hebrew Bible; New Testament; Patristics; Rabbinics; Greek and Roman History and Religions; Classical and Biblical Languages (Greek, Latin, and Hebrew). Michael teaches a variety of courses at Concordia ranging from Classics to Theology.